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Pombo Marina*, Rosli Hernan*, Maiale Santiago, Elliott Candace, Stieben Micaela, Romero Fernando, Garriz Andrés, Ruiz Oscar, Idnurm Alexander and Rossi Franco. Unveiling the virulence mechanism of Leptosphaeria maculans in the Brassica napus interaction: the key role of Sirodesmin PL in cell death induction. Accepted in Journal of Experimental Botany.

Carolina G. Ocampo, Florencia Vignolles, Marina A. Pombo, María Laura Colombo, Hernan G. Rosli, Silvana Petruccelli (2024). AtLEC2-mediated enhancement of endoplasmic reticulum- targeted foreign protein synthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves: insights from transcriptomic analysis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Enzo A. Perk, Andrés Arruebarrena Di Palma, Silvana Colman, Oriana Mariani, Ignacio Cerrudo, Juan Martín D’Ambrosio, Luciana Robuschi, Marina A. Pombo, Hernán G. Rosli, Fernando Villareal, Ana M. Laxalt (2023). CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated phospholipase C 2 knock‐out tomato plants are more resistant to Botrytis cinerea. Planta 

Romina N. Ramos, Ning Zhang, Diana B. Lauff, Felipe Valenzuela-Riffo, Carlos R. Figueroa, Gregory B. Martin, Marina A. Pombo*, Hernán G. Rosli (2023). Loss-of-function mutations in WRKY22 and WRKY25 impair stomatal-mediated immunity and PTI and ETI responses against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Plant Molecular Biology

Leandro Solmi, Hernán G. Rosli, Marina A. Pombo, Santiago Stalder, Franco R. RossiFernando M. RomeroOscar A. Ruiz and Andrés Gárriz (2022). Inferring the significance of the polyamine metabolism in the phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae: a meta-analysis approach. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.893626

Hernan G. Rosli*, Emilia Sirvent, Florencia N. Bekier, Romina N. Ramos, Marina A. Pombo(2021). Genome-wide analysis uncovers tomato leaf lncRNAs transcriptionally active upon Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato challenge. Scientific Reports 11: 24523

Romina N. Ramos, Gregory B. Martin, Marina A. Pombo*Hernan G. Rosli (2021). WRKY22 and WRKY25 transcription factors are positive regulators of defense responses in Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant Molecular Biology DOI:

Robyn Roberts, Alexander E. Liu, Lingwei Wan, Annie M. Geiger, Sarah R Hind, Hernan G. Rosli, Gregory B Martin (2020). Molecular characterization of differences between the tomato immune receptors Flagellin sensing 3 and Flagellin sensing 2. Plant Physiology DOI:

Ning Zhang, Marina A PomboHernan G. Rosli, Gregory B Martin (2020). Tomato wall-associated kinase SlWak1 depends on Fls2/Fls3 to promote apoplastic immune responses to Pseudomonas syringae. Plant Physiology DOI:

Marina A. Pombo, Hernán G. Rosli, Noe Fernandez-Pozo and Aureliano Bombarely (2020). Nicotiana benthamiana, A Popular Model for Genome Evolution and Plant–Pathogen Interactions. In: Ivanov N., Sierro N., Peitsch M. (eds) The Tobacco Plant Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.

Marina A. Pombo, Romina N. Ramos, Yi Zheng, Zhangjun Fei, Gregory B. Martin and Hernán G. Rosli (2019). Transcriptome-based identification and validation of reference genes for plant-bacteria interaction studies using Nicotiana benthamiana. Scientific Reports 9:1632.

Simon Schwizer, Diane M. Dunham, Christine M. Kraus, Yi Zheng, Marina A. Pombo, Zhangjun Fei, Suma Chakravarthy, and Gregory B. Martin (2017). The tomato kinase Pti1 contributes to production of reactive oxygen species in response to two flagellin-derived peptides and promotes resistance to Pseudomonas syringae infection. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions MPMI03170056R.

Marina Pombo, Yi Zheng, Zhangjun Fei, Gregory Martin and Hernan Rosli (2017). Use of RNA-seq data to identify and validate RT-qPCR reference genes for studying the tomato-Pseudomonas pathosystem. Scientific Reports 7: 44905

Paz, Rosalía Cristina; Kozaczek, Melina Eliana; Rosli, Hernán Guillermo; Andino, Natalia Pilar; Sanchez-Puerta, María Virginia (2017). Diversity, distribution and dynamics of full-length Copia and Gypsy LTR retroelements in Solanum lycopersicum. GENETICA 145(4-5):417.

Yi Zheng, Chen Jiao, Honghe Sun, Hernan Rosli, Marina Pombo, Peifen Zhang, Michael Banf, Xinbin Dai, Gregory Martin, James Giovannoni, Patrick Xuechun Zhao, Sue Rhee, and Zhangjun Fei (2016). iTAK: a program for genome-wide prediction and classification of plant transcription factors, transcriptional regulators, and protein kinases. Molecular Plant 9(12): 1667

Jay N. Worley, Marina A. Pombo, Yi Zheng, Diane M. Dunham, Christopher R. Myers, Zhangjun Fei and Gregory B. Martin (2016). A novel method of transcriptome interpretation reveals a quantitative suppressive effect on tomato immune signaling by two domains in a single pathogen effector protein. BMC Genomics 17:229.

Fernandez-Pozo, Noé; Rosli, Hernán Guillermo; Martin, Gregory; Mueller, Lukas (2015). The SGN VIGS tool: User-friendly software to design virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) constructs for functional genomics. Molecular Plant 8:486.

Hernán G. Rosli, Gregory Martin (2015). Functional genomics of tomato for the study of plant immunity. Briefings in Functional Genomics.

Marina A. Pombo, Yi Zheng, Noe Fernandez-Pozo, Diane M. Dunham, Zhangjun Fei, Gregory B. Martin (2014). Transcriptomic analysis reveals tomato genes whose expression is induced specifically during effector-triggered immunity and identifies the Epk1 protein kinase which is required for the host response to three bacterial effector proteins. Genome Biology 15:492.

Hernan G. Rosli, Yi Zheng, Marina A. Pombo, Silin Zhong, Aureliano Bombarely, Zhangjun Fei, Alan Collmer and Gregory B. Martin (2013). Transcriptomics-based screen for genes induced by flagellin and repressed by pathogen effectors identifies a cell wall-associated kinase involved in plant immunity. Genome Biology 14:R139

Aureliano Bombarely, Hernán G. Rosli, Julia Vrebalov, Peter Moffett, Lukas Mueller, Gregory Martin (2012). A draft genome sequence of Nicotiana benthamiana to enhance molecular plant-microbe biology research. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 25:1523.

Plant-pathogen Interactions Laboratory

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